How do you get more leads as a real estate agent?

So that’s a question I want to answer for you today. How do you get more leads as a real estate agent? It’s a question I get a lot. It’s a question a lot of agents ask in Facebook groups all over the place, so let’s dive in and talk about that. 

How do you get more leads? We all need more leads, right? More leads, I believe equals more homes sold. So how do you get more leads? Well, the first thing you do is you can go online and do a search and what you’ll find is there’s plenty of companies that are advertising out there to sell you leads. They’re not all created equal. How do I know? Because I’ve used a number of them and what I know is, as you do that search, you realize there’s plenty of companies that are going to sell you leads, and a lot of them are very expensive and a lot of them don’t really deliver on what they promise.

If you’ve got questions about a particular one you’re pondering or thinking about trying, shoot me a message directly. I’m happy to talk with you about it. I’m not going to dive in here in this video on what doesn’t work, but here’s what does work. 

You can generate more leads online and frankly. I think what you should do if you haven’t done this before or if you’ve done a little bit and struggled with it, is let’s get you started small and build up. That’s what I did way back. I don’t know. Gosh, 14, 15 years ago when I really started doing online lead generation, I started small and worked up to where we are today with it. We do a lot of online lead generation for our team. Now, I am very experienced about it and certainly capable of helping you with it, but let’s start small and what do I mean by that?

First, you need a system. You’re naturally in your brain thinking, I just need to go generate a bunch of leads. But if you generate a bunch of leads and you don’t have a system behind how you’re going to follow up with them, you’re going to experience a lot of frustration and you’re not going to maximize the amount of money you can make from generating those leads. So you need to have a plan for how you’re going to follow up with them.

It’s a system, what you’re going to do to follow up, calling them day one, texting them day one, emailing them day three, whatever your plan’s going to be, you need to get it laid out for you in a formal way. Don’t wing it and then you start small. 

Create an ad on Facebook for buyers, a list of homes or whatever it might be. Capture them as leads on Facebook using facebook ad forms.

So you’re going to get their name, email, and phone number right off the rip for sure. It’s going to be a lot of pretty valid information. You’ll get the occasional bad number and stuff. It’s just part of the game, but you’re driving them then to your website where they then are going to see the list of homes they wanted, that you advertised. It’s important that whatever you market to them with that ad you actually deliver on it. How you start to develop trust with people is you advertise a list of homes for sale in a certain subdivision or certain area, then when they fill out their information and they click the link, they actually go to the spot on your website that delivers that. So that’s super important. That’s the beginning of it. How are you going to get more leads? Decide to start!

I would start with Facebook and start small. Perfect the system, perfect your follow-up, get good at it, and then ramp it up. So if I can help you in any way with this, please feel free to click the link down below where you can book a time straight on my calendar where we can spend 20, 30 minutes chatting about this and what we do and how it works and what doesn’t work. Feel free to do it. There’s no obligation. 


Also, I’m going to be doing a webinar soon in the upcoming weeks on ad strategies, the ads we’re running now that are working in 2024 and some of our follow up behind that. So keep an out for that or if you want, shoot me a message and I’ll send you the registration link and you can jump on that totally free. Either way, if I can help, let me know!